Star Wars Is Just a Story
I love Star Wars.
If you didn't know that, then you don't really know me. I have a Star Wars room. I collect Star Wars action figures. I read Star Wars books. Two of my top 10 movies of all time are Star Wars movies. I am well-versed in Star Wars and can pretty much quote the Original Trilogy.
This week is Star Wars week for me. With the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I am so excited. I have waited 30 years for this movie to be made. I am giddy. I got work done early this week just so the thought of the movie wouldn't distract me from getting things done.
I love Star Wars. I will see the first showing in just a few hours.
That being said, Star Wars is just a story. It has heroes and villains and a plot and characters. It's themes are echoed not just in the Star Wars saga, but in many tales of adventure. In fact, Star Wars is not an original concept. It was based on the Seven Samurai.
If I put my hope and trust in Star Wars, then I will only have a story to share. Nothing more. It can recommend it as a movie, but my life will not change eternally because of my hope in the story of Star Wars. It's not real. It's not spiritual. It doesn't save.
But Jesus does.
As we celebrate the Christmas season, and we acknowledge the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we must understand that the birth narrative of Jesus is not just a story. It's real. Jesus - God in the flesh - really came down from heaven, lived a perfect life and died on a cross for you and for me. He really resurrected after three days.
If I put my hope and faith in Jesus, my life will be changed forever. Hebrews 2 says we cannot ignore the story of salvation. We can't ignore God's truths.
Jesus is not a story. It's not a legend made to fill Christmas cards. Mary, Joseph and the Magi are all real. So is Jesus. What will you do with that information?
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