Bearing Responsbility

I remember when my daughter was first born.

Amid the excitement and joy came an overwhelming feeling.  This baby, which I held in my hands, was now my responsibility.  When she got sick, needed feeding, required a diaper change, or had to be corrected and taught, those responsibilities fell to me as her father.  In a matter of a few minutes, I had been entrusted with a new life on planet earth.

Looking back on that day six years ago, I was excited but scared.  Yet, that is nothing compared to the responsibility Joesph must have felt.  Joseph was a righteous man, according to scripture, and he knew one thing for certain - Jesus was not his biological son.  Thus, he planned to divorce Mary quietly and be rid of the whole matter.

And before we vilify Joseph, know that he could have done much worse.  By law, Mary could have been stoned to death.  His divorce was a form of mercy.  She would live and he would be rid of the stigma of an unfaithful fiance.

Before Joseph put his plan into action, God intervened.  He sent an angel to tell Joseph the truth:  Jesus was God's son.  Even more than that, Joseph had been chosen to raise the child as his own.

What a responsibility.  I was scared with a little girl.  I can't imagine caring for God's son.  Yet, that's the exact task - the exact responsibility - God gave Joseph.

Joseph, to his credit, never backed down.  He didn't run away, as Jonah did.  He didn't curse God.  He awoke from his dream and immediately followed the angel's instructions.  He took the responsibility of raising the Messiah.  He obeyed the Lord.

We, too, are given a responsibility.  Just as Joseph was given a responsibility to serve God by raising his son, we are given a responsibility to serve God and his kingdom.  We know the story about Jesus.  We are responsible for telling others.


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