The Importance of the Magi
Let me share a pet peeve with you. I hate seeing nativity scenes depicting the wise men at the manger. I know. I'm a Christian and a pastor and I probably shouldn't use words like hate, but it aggravates me to see the wise men standing over baby Jesus. I'm even willing to forgive the fact that there were probably more than three and that they weren't really kings. But I have a hard time seeing them there with the baby Jesus. Because they weren't. Scripture is clear the wise men came to Jesus' house. Time had passed, probably as much as two years. Yet, churches everywhere put the nativity up and there are the three wise men, dressed like kings, presenting baby Jesus with their gifts. I really should get past this, but I can't. Here's why. As believers in Christ, we should know better. We have the scriptures to guide us, but we let culture interfere. We let popular songs and traditions override what the book of Matthew says. And pe...