Egg Drops and Absolute Truths

When I was in elementary school, we took one day at the end of the year for an egg contest.

Each student built a contraption they thought would keep an egg from being broken.  Then teachers and principals would drop those inventions, all containing eggs, from ever increasing heights.  If the egg broke, you didn't win the prize.

I'm sad to say my device didn't win.  It made it though a couple of rounds, but a drop from a second story window did it in.  I unraveled the tape to see gushy, yellow yoke all over the cotton balls inside.  The winner survived a drop from the roof.

I may not have won the egg dropping contest, but I did learn something that fateful day.  When objects are dropped, no matter how big or small or light or heavy, they all fall to the ground.  Every time.  No exceptions.

Gravity pulls on the earth.  It grounds me on soil, keeping me from floating away into the atmosphere.  It brings me back down when I jump in the air.  If I drop an egg from a window, it will fall.  So will a feather.  So will a rock.  Gravity pulls on everything.

Gravity is an absolute truth.  To ignore gravity, you bring peril to yourself and others.  If you jump from a window, you will fall.  If you drop something from a high building, it will land on the ground, probably with a loud thud.  You simply cannot ignore gravity.

Yet, there are those who do not believe in absolute truths.  They believe truths are relative and experiential.  They believe truths can change depending on the circumstances.

Proverbs 14:12 says there are ways that seem right to a man that will end in death.

Romans 3:26 puts it differently.  Paul rights that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Earlier, in Romans 2, Paul writes that everyone has an internal sense of right and wrong.  In other words, God gave us a conscience to know good from evil.  No one is innocent.

The truth is absolute truth exists.  Strict standards are in place.  As part of the New Age Movement, those truths are often ignored.  Saying such things labels you as close-minded.  Yet, the truth remains.

You can ignore gravity, but you will still fall and break an egg.  You can ignore God's standards, but the consequences still exist.

I know I learned a lesson from the egg drop.  Don't tempt an absolute truth.  Will you?


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