Salty enough?

I'll admit it.  I like salt.

Just ask my wife and she'll tell you I salt just about everything.  (And in her opinion, I put too much salt on my food.)  I salt my french fries, corn, potatoes, stews, casseroles and green beans.  I like salt on my food. 

Salt adds flavor.  It makes bland corn taste better. French fries have a little extra zest when salt enters the fray. 

Jesus says in Matthew 5:13 that we are to be salt in the world.  We are to add flavor to where we are.  When we leave a room, people should sense the presence of Christ.  That's what salt does.  It leaves the food tasting, smelling and appearing different.  Jesus wants us to make places feel different - to feel like Jesus.

But flavor isn't salt's only purpose.  Salt is also a preservative.  I'm reminded of this every week when I buy groceries at the store.  My wife, for a while, read labels of food before buying them.  Almost everything I bought for my lunch (be it a microwave meal or just some lunch meat) had high amounts of sodium to help keep the food fresh and edible. 

As believers in Jesus, we are to keep God's word and Jesus' teaching fresh in our lives and by extension, the world.  By keeping Jesus fresh, his teachings can be consumed long after he has left the earth. 

We, as believers, are the salt of the earth.  We must flavor our speech and actions with Jesus.  We must make his impression on the places we go.

How salty are you?  Only you can answer that question.


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