Things learned as a parent

Being a parent has opened up my eyes to so many new revelations.

I remember when I held my little girl in my hands for the first time.  It was overwhelmed.  I loved this hours-old infant more than anything, yet I had never truly met her.  I would give my life for her.  I realized, in that instant, just how much God loves me.

As my daughter has grown, I understand the patience God has with me.  I have to have patience with my own daughter, as she figures things out for the first time, finds her footing on unfamiliar ground and learns a new trait or word or action every day.  Sometimes I just want to go ahead and do something, but I have to have patience to allow her to learn.  God does the same with me.

Lately, we've been potty training.  I struggle with it because often it seems my daughter regresses rather than progresses.  For every one time she pees in the potty, there are 100 times she doens't.  And don't get me started on the other side of that equation.  In fact, there are times she lies and rebels.  There will be times when we will ask if she has to go potty.  She'll say "no," then come to us five minutes later needing a diaper change.

I see how many times I rebel against God, yet he loves me anyway.

Make no mistake, I love my daughter.  Even when I'm frustrated with her, I love her.  And God loves me the same way.

That's why the fifth commandment, found in Exodus 20:12, has new meaning for me.  God asks us to honor our mothers and fathers.  He gave them a unique role in raising us, guiding us and instructing us in the ways of the Lord.  We are to honor that.  By honoring them, we are honoring Him.

That doesn't mean are parents are perfect.  Far from it.  But it does mean we obey we they instruct us.  We ask forgiveness of them when we cross them.  And yes, we forgive them for their shortcomings, even if they never ask for our forgiveness.

You see, parenting isn't easy.  It doesn't come with instructions.  And, your parents are going to mess up.  They're human.  Just like you.  I learned that even more when I became a parent myself.  I make mistakes.  I only hope my daughter can forgive me.

So, let's honor mom and dad.  (For some of us that may mean mom and stepdad, or stepmom and dad or even grandparents.  It's whomever is raising you.)  Let's show them some appreciation and thank them for raising us as children.


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