Risking It All

I'll be honest, I was scared.

In August 2006, after much prayer and discussion with my wife, we decided God had called me to quit my job in order to pursue a full-time ministry position.  At the time, I had been a full-time sports writer for seven years and a part-time youth minister for almost four years.  The dual role took it's toll on me physically and on our marriage.

I remember walking into my editor's office, letter in hand, announcing my resignation.  I agreed to stay on until they found my replacement or I found another job.  I figured that would take about a month.  By mid-December, I was knee-deep in basketball season and had not landed another job, despite a couple of interviews.

That Christmas was scary.  I didn't know if we should buy Christmas presents or toss everything we had into savings.  We had a mortgage, plus car payments and credit card debt.  How would I pay all those bills if my replacement at the paper walked through the door?  I talked to my pastor.  I called my friends.  I had a heart-to-heart with my wife. 

Honestly, I strongly considered rescinding my resignation. 

Everyone told me the same thing:  If you're sure God called you to do this, you have to stick with it. 

In Acts 6, Stephen is chosen as one of the first deacons in the early church.  He soon starts preaching Christ and performing miracles, which upset the religious establishment.  They start making false accusations about him when they couldn't refute his arguments.

It would have been so easy to just give up.  He could have said, "Hey guys, I don't want any trouble.  I'll stop doing all this."  He could have fled.  Instead, he chose to take them on.  Acts 7:2-50 gives us Stephen's great sermon.  He spoke about the Old Testament heroes - like Abraham, David and Solomon - and came all the way to Christ.  He literally built a bridge from the Old Testament to the Gospel.

For that, he was stoned to death.  He died the first martyr of the Christian faith.  Before he did, scripture records his vision.  He saw Christ standing at the right hand of God.  It's the only time in scripture we see Jesus STANDING at the right hand of God.  Stephen saw that.

Then Stephen died.  Even as he did, he forgave those killing him.

Wow.  That's an amazing faith and testimony.  I'm sure he was scared, yet he knew pleasing Jesus mattered more than please the mob out to get him.  He knew preaching Christ was more important than placating the masses.  He did was Jesus told him to do.

If God has called you to do something, you have to stick with it - even if it's difficult or scary.  If Jesus calls you, he will be with you.  He may be standing for you, like he did with Stephen.

Make no mistake; following Jesus costs.  We will never be good enough to earn God's salvation.  He freely gave his son's life as a ransom for our sins. 

However, pledging your life to King Jesus comes at a price.  It costs your life.  You no longer belong to you, but to the King of all creation.  He can send you where he wishes.  If you are a follower of Jesus, you must obey. 

Many have died sharing the Gospel.  Jesus called them to go to places where they would die for their faith.  They, like Stephen, risked it all to follow his calling.

What is Jesus calling you to do today?  I'm sure it involves risk.  The question you need to ask is this:  Is Jesus worth the risk?  Only you can answer that question for yourself.


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