No Other Gods

Where I grew up, I often saw a barn with this message on it's roof:  "There are many paths to God, pick one."

At first, I didn't quite understand what it meant.  But as I got older, I realized it's meaning: "God can be found in many religions, so just follow one and you'll be OK."

Now, it just makes me angry.  I wonder how many people drove by that barn, read those words, accepted them and will spend eternity apart from Christ because they served a false god.

Make no mistake about it, God is clear in his Word.  Exodus 20:3 says we are to have NO OTHER GODS.  Jesus says it again in John 14:6 when he says "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man may come to the father EXCEPT through me."

There is only ONE God.  There is only ONE path to God.  That is through a relationship with Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life on this earth, submitted to human authorites and died on a cross for our sins and mistakes.  Jesus is the only way.  God is the only God.  There are no other paths or ways or loopholes or quick fixes. 

There is one God, one son, one cross, one plan and one means of salvation.  You simply ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, to take control of your life, and to begin anew with him.  It's so easy, yet so hard at the same time.

Don't believe the lie.  Don't follow just any path.  Follow THE path.  The one that leads to a cross and a savior and the ONE, TRUE GOD.


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