Making Sense of Turbulant Times

As I view our country today and our current political landscape, I often get discouraged.

Disney, Apple and the NFL have come out against a law protect religious liberty in Georgia. Some companies have threatened to pull out of the state if the law passes and is signed into law.

In North Carolina, some citizens are in an uproar about a new law that will require transgender people to use the bathroom of their original gender.

In presidential politics, we have candidates threatening to bring wives into the political spectrum and other candidates pre-emptively protecting their wives.

Already we have legalized gay marriage in the United States. Abortion has been the law of the land for 30 years (resulting over 50,000,000 abortions). Currently laws in Texas limiting abortion clinics faces Supreme Court review where only eight justices remain and a ninth judge could swing the court back to a liberal stance.

And I as read all these things, I start worry and wonder about the country. I see how things are, and I only see them getting worse. I can lead to despair and frustration and yes, even anger.

Yet, in all this, I remember one thing. I am an alien here on Earth.

Hebrews 11:13 declares that the patriarchs of the Old Testament knew they were aliens on earth. By faith, I must recognize, too, that Earth is not my home. As the Beatitudes say, I am apart of the kingdom of God.  I am a citizen of heaven. My permanent residence isn't in Illinios or Kentucky or the United States of America or the world for that matter. One day, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I will reside in heaven forever.

So, as I look around at the state of our country and the political landscape, I remember that politics and laws won't save anyone.  Only Jesus Christ can. Only the Gospel holds the power to sway minds and hearts and make lasting change.

As a pastor, I must pass that on to my congregation. As a dad, I must pass it down to my children and lead my family well. In the end, all I can do is share the truth and hope people are convicted by the Holy Spirit.

So take heart. If you a believer, you are a citizen of heaven. If not, there is still time to change that.


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