God Values You

God values you.

Did you know that? 

It's true. God values you. We see in the pages of scripture - Psalm 139 to be specific - that God formed you in the womb, called you by name and that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Not only that, Psalm 139 tells us that God is all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing, ever-present and yet still takes time to form you and know you.

God values you.

So many times in our society, we feel undervalued by someone. We decry racism or classism or sexism or corporate greed or environmental factors that retard our growth and development as valuable members of society. We start movements or Twitter hashtags to rally our cause.  We use words like "disenfranchised" or "discriminated" or "left behind."

All of that is to say we feel worthless, oppressed or distressed. We seek to right the wrongs that have been done to us. 

Yet, we miss the point.  God values you.  It doesn't matter what your skin color is or your occupation or your societal status or your education.  God doesn't value the things of this world or the labels we choose. God values you.  He made you and formed you and knows you better than anyone.  He loves you and cares for you, and yes, he died for you.  He personally put himself on the hook for your pain and misery and sin, when he died on a cross for you.

God values you.

In a world always looking for someone to blame, for some cause to anger us, for a reason to fight and cry out in oppression, we must remember that above all, God values you. 


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