Seeing Is Believing

One night, as I was walking my dog, I saw flames shoot across the sky.  That night, we were due to have one of the biggest meteor showers in a long time.  It wasn't supposed to start until the wee hours of morning, but here it was, close to 1 a.m., and I'm walking a dog.  I looked up, hoping to catch an early falling star.  What I saw were streaks of orange, then green, then orange again, as fireballs, one at a time, filled the sky.  It was awesome to behold.

I had never seen anything like that.  I haven't seen anything like it since.  It was amazing.  If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.

That's kind of like Saul.  He was on his way to Damascus, when suddenly his trip was interrupted.  We read in Acts 9 that a great light appeared in the sky and Jesus himself spoke to Saul.  No one else around Saul saw the light, but Saul did.

Three days later, blind, alone and fasting, a man named Ananias laid his hands on Saul, told him God's plan for him and Saul was healed, then baptized, and soon preached Christ to all he encountered. 

Saul saw and believed. 

Jesus got his attention in a way that would change Saul forever.  Saul, or Paul as he's also known as, became the greatest missionary for Christ, taking the cause and message of Jesus to the Gentiles throughout the known world.

We sometimes look down upon Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples who said he wouldn't believe in the Resurrection until he saw Jesus' wounds.  Yet, Saul/Paul, didn't believe in Jesus until he saw and heard from Christ himself.

Yet greater is he would believes without seeing Jesus. 

Jesus still changes people.  I hope he's changed you.  If not, he can.  Just ask.


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