Have an Eternal View
I am an alien.
I don't have green skin, antenna on my head and I don't fly a space ship. Nonetheless, I am an alien to planet earth. Earth is not my home.
As a believer in Jesus, I know that he is perparing a place for me so that I may join him also. I also know I will live eternally - that means forever and ever and ever.
My home is in heaven. I'm just passing through on earth.
That's hard to understand sometimes. We are linear beings - that means everything has a beginning and end. We start school and we graduate school. We begin a new job and evenutally leave that job. We're born and we die. Everything we do has a starting point and an ending point. Everything we do revolves around time.
God created time, and therefore, is not bound by it. He exists outside of space and time and one day, we too will spend eternity with God, not limited by time. I can't seem to wrap my mind around that concept, because I'm linear. Everything I've known has a beginning and an end. It can't imange life without end.
But, I believe it. God teaches, through his Bible, that we long for our home - heaven. It's a place created just for us and includes us getting new, perfectly suited bodies. There will be no sin or pain or suffering. And we live forever.
God works based on a view of eternity. He wants us to have an eternal view as well. To think about forever, not just tomorrrow. To focus on heaven, not just this existence.
When we start living our lives and making our decisions based on the eternal viewpoint, we start seeing things in a whole new way. It means we focus on Christ, not just ourselves.
Afterall, we are aliens. We're just passing through.
I don't have green skin, antenna on my head and I don't fly a space ship. Nonetheless, I am an alien to planet earth. Earth is not my home.
As a believer in Jesus, I know that he is perparing a place for me so that I may join him also. I also know I will live eternally - that means forever and ever and ever.
My home is in heaven. I'm just passing through on earth.
That's hard to understand sometimes. We are linear beings - that means everything has a beginning and end. We start school and we graduate school. We begin a new job and evenutally leave that job. We're born and we die. Everything we do has a starting point and an ending point. Everything we do revolves around time.
God created time, and therefore, is not bound by it. He exists outside of space and time and one day, we too will spend eternity with God, not limited by time. I can't seem to wrap my mind around that concept, because I'm linear. Everything I've known has a beginning and an end. It can't imange life without end.
But, I believe it. God teaches, through his Bible, that we long for our home - heaven. It's a place created just for us and includes us getting new, perfectly suited bodies. There will be no sin or pain or suffering. And we live forever.
God works based on a view of eternity. He wants us to have an eternal view as well. To think about forever, not just tomorrrow. To focus on heaven, not just this existence.
When we start living our lives and making our decisions based on the eternal viewpoint, we start seeing things in a whole new way. It means we focus on Christ, not just ourselves.
Afterall, we are aliens. We're just passing through.
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