What do your friends say?

It's an interesting question. 

If I asked your friends about you - and I'm not talking about your Facebook friends, but the people who truly know you - what would they say about you?

Oh I'm sure they could share some funny stories about you.  They could tell me about your favorite movie.  They could probably give me the playlist of your iPod. (Well, some of it anyway.)  But what could they tell me about your faith?

And no, "He/She goes to church" is not enough.  Could they tell me your basic theology?  Could they tell me where you go to church?  Your favorite Bible verse?  What God has done in your life that's changed you most?

Those are questions that really matter.  If someone really knows you, they should know about your faith, not just your favorite band.

In Hebrews 11:4, it says the faith of Abel speaks out, even though he is dead.  No one doubted Abel or his faith.  They all knew where he stood. 

Does your faith cry out?  Do your friends know about it?

If they don't, why not?


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