Don't Let Fear Stop You

What is Alpha?

That's a very good question that I cannot give a very good answer to. Alpha is a program which teaches spiritual truths, but does so through a video series and small group interactions. It's not your traditional Bible study. It is more organic in the conversations it starts.

And, initially, it was something I was afraid of.

You see, as people, we are reluctant to try new things. We can be very set in our ways. We like our schedules, our tastes, our pace of life and our ways of doing things. A church is made up of people, so you can only magnify that reluctance. Churches tend to be places based on traditions and by-laws and the way it has always been done. In some ways, churches fear change because it is different and to some people, different is bad.

So when I first had the opportunity to start Alpha at our church, I was hesitant. I feared it failing. I feared this new way of teaching. I feared bad theology. I feared the ramifications if this thing went off the rails. It even delayed our launch of the program.

But ultimately, I had to decide who I trusted. Did I trust God or did I trust man? In Psalm 56:4, David writes that we should trust the Lord to accomplish great things. If he is on our side, human beings can't stand in our way. It's an attitude we so desperately need. In a world that feel is increasingly hostile to faith and Christianity, we need to realize that God is to be more feared than people.

So, we took a chance. We launched the Alpha program. I waited for the negative feedback, that, by and large, didn't come. Instead we saw new people come to our church--unchurched and dechurched people. We saw veteran believers rediscover their faith. It was a great addition to the programs we already do at church.

And if I had given in to my fears, we would have missed out on the blessings God wanted to bestow. When we fear, we aren't trusting God. God cannot bless you if you don't trust him to do so. 

So shake off that fear. Trust him to stand with you. Then stand back and watch what he does.


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