A Reason to Be Thankful
A few years ago, I begrudgingly did what I hate doing. It was Thanksgiving Day, and in the middle of the first football game, I had to leave to go with my father-in-law to pick up something from the local Big Lots. Apparently, they had bought a new bed and it was available to pick-up that day. We were in town, so I got drafted for duty. It pained me to go to the store. I hated it and I wanted no part of it. I also wanted to be a dutiful son-in-law so I swallowed my pride and went to the store. Nothing of great consequence happened. We picked up the bed and he bought something else while he was there. But deep down, I felt sick. I knew by shopping on Thanksgiving Day I would become a statistic that would lead to a trend. Already, I saw stores creeping ever closer to being open on Thanksgiving Day. Now, as Thanksgiving approaches, stores everywhere are open starting at 6 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Our national day to pause, pr...