The Values Debate
God has a funny way of working things out sometimes. As I was preparing for a lesson on Matthew 7:6, the whole gay marriage debate blew up nationally. The Bible is front and center in this debate. There's no way of separating my belief in scripture and my belief in traditional marriage. I won't mince words. I believe homosexuality is a sin. I can't argue against scriptures like Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9 or Romans 1:27-28. Scripture repeatedly labels homosexual behavior as sinful. Scripture also says the same thing about cohabitation between heterosexuals. Jesus' teachings on lust would squarely put viewing pornography as a sin. Most of those ideas are now widely accepted behavior in our society. However, if I believe the Bible is God's revelation to us (and I do) and I believe the Bible is without error (which I do) and that I should live my life and form my values based upon it (and I do), then my values and stand...