The Price of Policy
America is for sale. Did you know that? The price for freedom, for legislation, and for public policy is bought and sold and boycotted and threatened. Case is point number one: In North Carolina a bathroom bill that requires people to use the bathroom of the birth gender has riled many famous musicians and leaders. Already Paypal has decided to not open a new center in the area. Bruce Springsteen , Bryan Adams and the band Pearl Jam have all cancelled shows, citing their disagreement with the new law. Case in point number two: In Georgia, a religious freedom act was passed, but eventually vetoed by the governor of the state. He faced pressure from Disney, AMC, the NFL and others who threatened the city with economic boycotts if the bill was approved by the governor. Fearing the repercussions of that, the governor caved on the law. Case in point number three: Saudi Arabia, in a move that should shock no one, has declared that if the US makes legislation they disagree wit...