God keeps his promises
We make a lot of promises. We promise to get our work done by the end of the day. We promise to keep our houses cleaner. We promise ourselves that we will eat healthier and exercise and lose a few pounds. We even promise our kids that their life will be better than ours. Yet, how often do we keep those promises? We may have good intentions, but we simply can't keep all the promises we make. We are human. But God does. In Malachi 3:16-4:3, God makes a promise to his faithful followers. For three chapters in Malachi, God has been dealing with whining and complaining Jewish people who believe God has abandoned them. For three chapters, they accused him of being unjust, unloving and unavailable. All the while, they continued to violate the standards he set for the relationship. In Malachi 3:16, God starts addressing those who defended God. While he rebukes the whiners, to his followers, he made a promise. When the day of judg...