Submission Is Not a Bad Thing
Pictured to the right is a Yield sign. If you drive, you probably know this sign pretty well. (In fact, one is located on the intersection next to my house.) It means you must yield to oncoming traffic. The traffic on the other road has the right of way, so you must let them go first. A yield sign is intended for our safety. The traffic on the other road cannot safely stop to let oncoming traffic merge. Therefore, we must stop and only merge into a new lane when it is safe to do so. Ignoring a yield sign could earn you a ticket (at the least) or cause a major accident (at the worst). Safe drivers honor yield signs. It makes sure traffic flows smoothly and you do not put others in unnecessary danger. We voluntarily submit to on-coming traffic for the good of everyone involved. No one questions a yield sign. Yet, we often question why we should submit in marriage. Submission has gotten a lot of publicity lately, especially with t...