Freed By Truth

The truth is the truth is the truth is the truth.

That's what I heard often from professors as I studied to get my journalism degree.  People could complain about a story or being presented in a bad light, but if the story was true, it didn't matter.  The truth is always true, even if we or others don't like what the truth is.  If someone is guilty, they are guilty.  Plain and simple.

Perhaps that's why we have such a hard time with the truth.  We don't like what the truth often says.  It's not always pleasant.  It doesn't always tell us what we want to hear.

So, despite what we say, we sometimes prefer a lie to the truth.  We'd rather feel better about ourselves than deal with the hard truth of the situation.  We'll proudly take on labels and designations that allows us to be identified with a group of people.  Belonging makes the truth easier. At least we're not alone.

Jesus, though, said truth, not labels or sin, should define us.  We shouldn't be defined by what we did or what others say about us.  We should be defined by Jesus Christ.  In John 8: 32, Jesus tells us that the truth will set us free.

Free from what?

From labels.  We don't have to abide by what other categorize us as.  We don't have to be a goth or emo or a nerd or a jock or a redneck.

From definitions.  It's not about being an alcoholic or an addict or handicapped or diseased.

From occupations.  We don't have to be defined as an executive, blue collar, a minister or a garbage collector.

Instead, Christ calls us to be defined by him.  We are his followers.  We are co-heirs with Christ.

In a word, we are...HIS.

That's the truth.  And if you embrace it, it can and will set you free.


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